
Happy Plants Hub – Your Plant Care Directory

Search for your plant and find out everything you need to know so that it will flourish and reward you with its glory.

MY Story

As a child, I began to appreciate plants and flowers as my mother was a keen gardener. There were plants in every room inside our home, on windowsills or hanging in pretty containers from the ceiling. Outside, our small yard was chockablock with perennial bushes, plants and, in particular, scented roses. In the summer, she filled numerous different-sized planters with beautiful annual flowering plants such as fuchsias, petunias, begonias and placed them around the yard. Her passion rubbed off on me and I’ve been interested in and grown many varieties of plants over the decades.

But, I was constantly hitting roadblocks when trying to find complete growing and other details for almost all varieties. I was spending far too much time searching for answers to questions like “Is this plant poisonous?”, “Where does it come from?”, “What size pot do I need?”, “How can I propogate it?” and many more.

So, Happy Plants Hub was born!

My aim is to provide you with compehensive details about every plant so that you have all the information in one place – it will save you lots of time.

I hope you enjoy exploring my complete plant care directory!

Because of the stress and chaos in life, very little turns out quite as good as we expect it to be…..except plants.

RosALIND Griffiths

Founder, Owner

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